Dandruff is a condition in which dead skin cells accumulate and fall off from the scalp. Watch how you can treat dandruff using natural ingredients available in your kitchen!  Check other ♥♥♥ NATURAL HOME REMEDIES ♥♥♥ videos:

• Dandruff is a condition in which dead skin cells accumulate and fall off from the scalp

Symptoms to look for:

• When you comb or scratch, shiny silver flakes fall from the scalp
• Itching which can lead to reddening of the scalp


• Stress
• Extreme cold or hot weather
• Fatigue
• Incorrect diet
• Energy loss due to an illness or infection
• Artificial styling products
• Harsh shampoos

Natural home remedy using coconut oil and camphor:

1. Heat 4 tbsp of coconut oil
2. Add 1 piece of camphor while it’s heating
3. Mix well
4. Massage on scalp when lukewarm before bedtime
5. Leave it overnight

Natural home remedy using fenugreek seeds:

1.Take 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds
2. Soak them in water overnight
3. Sieve the mixture
4. Collect the seeds
5. Crush seeds to a fine paste
6. Massage this paste on the scalp
7. Wash it off with soap-nut water

Natural home remedy using egg whites, lemon juice and margosa leaves:

1, Crush 2 egg whites
2. Mix 4 tbsp of lemon juice
3. Mix well
4. Apply on scalp
5. Leave it for ½ hour
6. Crush a handful of margosa leaves
7. Soak this paste in ½ L water
8. Mix well
9. Wash hair with this water followed by plain water


These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Refer to the terms of use on our website